Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Importance of the Green Tea Soy Latte

The fuzzy warmness going down my throat, the lingering sweet-but-not-too-sweet sweetness on my tongue. Just like that tune my stuffed rabbit used to play to me as I slept, or like staying in bed on a snowy school day. That is a Green Tea Soy Latte.

I didn’t know it until this summer when I was stuck overnight at the Toronto Airport. It shouldn’t have been a big deal as I have spent many a night in airports, but I had just gone through the traumatic experience of leaving the city where I belong, I had to get back to Colorado in time to leave for my cousin’s wedding in Montana, and I was sick like I hadn’t been since childhood. I just wanted to sleep in a bed. And I wanted to stop crying. See, I never cry in private, let alone in public, so I was in a state. So out of my mind was I that I spent the money on a green tea soy latte from Starbucks (if you can imagine the already outrageous Starbucks prices combined with being in an airport).

Everything was magically better.

What I need right now, as I realize for the first time that I can’t write an essay, is a Green Tea Soy Latte. Most of the distress is because of the fact that I cannot do such a simple task: how can I not write an essay? Am I really so daft? But another big monkey on my back is the fact that I, the girl who cannot write a proper essay, graduated from high school. How is that so? What is the point of the education system if it lets things like essay writing go, if it lets people like me slip though the cracks?

Oh I really, really need a green tea soy latte.


Rasanen said...

I am all for Green Tea, but the only time I tried a Green Tea Latte, it didn’t taste right. In fact, it tasted outright wrong. I’m more for the Chai Tea Latte, those are what do it for me, but I can’t drink’em unless it is cold outside.
I have to agree, what IS the deal with our education system these days?

Riley- said...

So random yet so rythmic. Good writing. Like the one sentance lines, tie things together well even though it jumps from one topic to another quite speratically. Airport distress with a crummy education system...besides the fact they both envolve room for emprovement I don't see the similarity which is why this is so intreguing! Like it!

Felicia said...

Amazing. Both your writing style and Green Tea Lattes. I'm having a tough time deciding which is better...that should say a lot because I sure do love those funky colored things!

Anonymous said...

I can easily relate about airports experiences.Traveling to Italy and back here,with my two children,is a real nightmare!To me,the Charles de Gaulle in Paris is the worst airport
By the way,I like your writing